№1 in russia on the number of customers
All types of lab research
Member of international research community
IT solutions developer
The only natural immunostimulant
Used in sports, children's, enteral nutrition
Feeding of calves to increase immunity and safety
Proven: Has a regenerating, restoring and rejuvenating effect on human health
Collection and processing of colostrum
Own quality laboratory
Absolutely natural
Contains 100% IGG needed for a calf
Has no substitutes in Russia
Provide farmers with agronomy support\consulting including soil, plant nutrients and services to create added value and enhance efficiency both for our customers and partners
The research and production company Askont+ has been active on the Russian pharmaceutical market for more than 25 years and is a manufacturer of veterinary medicines.
The manufacture specialises in the production of medicines with various pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antibacterial, hormonal, gynaecological, vitamin-mineral preparations, as well as detoxicants, adaptogens, biostimulants and other preparations for animals.